Friday, December 4, 2009

Bethany Updates

Okay, it's time for some Bethany updates.
  • Does anyone else have (or used to have) a moody-picky eater?  One day Bethany loves hot dogs, and the next day she won't touch them. The stand-by foods for her are mandarin oranges, plain tortillas, cheese pizza, and peanut butter (licked from a piece of bread or an apple - or just her plate). But other than that, I never know what will make it in her mouth and what will end up smashed on her tray or on the floor. I do know that meat will NOT make it in her mouth - even chicken only lasts for a bite or two before it gets spit back out. She does love any kind of "sauce", though - ketchup, spaghetti sauce, applesauce, or anything else dippable - and will happily lick it off of the food that it's on. 
  • Bethany is imitating us like crazy these days! Even our voice inflections and non-verbals come back in her interpretations.  The other day she was talking to herself in her crib before I got her up, and I heard her asking herself one-word questions and replying to herself with "mm-hmm" exactly the way I answer her when she keeps saying something over and over. 
  • She still mixes up sounds in words occasionally. The most recent one is "nos" for "snow." 
  • I usually know when Bethany is doing something wrong, because I hear her quietly say to herself, "No, no, no!" I have to stop laughing before I go see what she's up to. 
Bethany & Co. 

Bethany (in her butterfly/fairy - you decide - halloween costume), with "Noni' and "Tay-tay" (our down-the-hall neighbors)

Bethany and Sam (our upstairs neighbor)

Why won't they both smile at the same time?

Stylin' in her "gasses"

Bethany and Aleah (born two weeks apart, both with red-ish hair)

My favorite pic... kiss, kiss! 


    1. Yea for a new post! How is subbing going this week? Did you guys have any snow? We had such great November weather that I am dreading going into I think I'm switching doctors because every time I go in there, Dr. Ultmann makes me feel like the worst mom in the world! At his 1-year check up, I expressed concern that Reed isn't talking and instead of reassuring me that he's a boy, etc, etc, she referred me to an audiologist and early intervention services!!!! More updates in the Christmas card!

    2. No subbing this week. :-( I got a baby-sitter for Bethany today and then got NO calls - that's never happened on a Friday! Our snow is just starting here... flurries for the past couple days, but I have a feeling it's the "beginning of the end."

      What?! I can't believe Dr. Ultmann... that's ridiculous. I think I would've switched sooner or later if we had stayed, partly because of their office staff. Oh well...

    3. First-borns usually are the least picky eaters. So I can only imagine what #2 is going to be like :->

    4. haha, so i gather bethany doesn't have the concept of "no" down very well, other than its association with certain behavior?
