Monday, October 26, 2009

Never done that before...

I started a new job last week - and called this morning to give my two weeks' notice. It felt very strange - I've never, EVER quit something that abruptly. I think the only other times I've ever quit a job were because of moving out of town or starting YoungLives! Most of the other jobs I've had have ended before I did. :-) Kidz Own PlayZone shut down because of money issues, the tutoring center closed because of money issues, summer jobs were usually just seasonal, etc. Maybe I did quit Wendy's... but I only worked there to raise money for a missions trip, and then I didn't need it any more.

Anyways - this job involved going to two different schools for two hours each before school and after school, four days a week. Between the commute, getting Bethany ready for a baby-sitter (or for Daddy), staff meetings, and extra classes that they wanted us to take, it was a much bigger time committment than I was ready for. Plus, it was really hard on Bethany to have Mommy coming in and out twice a day every day.

I did get my teaching license in the mail (after one and a half weeks, not eight like they said), and because of this teaching job, I had the connections to also be able to sign up to become a substitute teacher. I think I got about five subbing calls over the weekend, so I'm pretty sure that I'll be able to sub once or twice a week (or even half-days). Plus, the pay is better for subbing - I'll actually earn almost the same amount by subbing one day a week than I would have earned by working before and after school four days a week. And if I have a rough class, at least I only have to be there for a day! I have never had any desire to be a substitute teacher, but right now it's sounding pretty good. :-)

In other news, Bethany has started saying her own name (Bet-doddy), and she LOVES to mimic me when I say "Okay" or "Just a minute". She's starting to understand bigger concepts, too, like "heavy" and "loud" and dark/light. Todd and I have been pointing out colors and counting objects with her, and she's just about got "yellow" down. Sometimes we overhear her "counting" to herself (wuh, doo...). I think she's a 16-month old genius. ;-)

Todd is in his "Reading Weeks" now - two weeks of no classes, but lots of studying. It's a nice change of pace, but we'll see how it goes trying to study full-time with no set structure or schedule. Classes provide a nice "finish line" each day where you know that everything needs to be ready to discuss/turn in.

No pictures this time, but one of my neighbors did just post some picture of our Seminary Village "Fall Festival" yesterday on facebook. There a couple cute ones of Bethany in there!

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